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Yoga Learning Resources and Articles

Discover yoga techniques, anatomy, philosophy, and teacher training insights to deepen your practice or teaching journey with our experienced team.

Teaching Through the Lens of Non-Attachment: The Philosophy of Detachment (Aparigraha)

Aparigraha is one of the five Yamas in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. It emphasizes non-possessiveness, non-greed, and non-attachment, encouraging us to…

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The Bhagavad Gita’s Teachings for Aspiring Yoga Teachers

The Bhagavad Gita is a spiritual guidebook that offers deep insights into life, yoga, and self-discovery. It’s more than just…

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The Importance of the Guru-Disciple Relationship in Yoga Philosophy

Introduction In traditional yoga, the Guru-Disciple relationship is a cornerstone, a sacred bond that extends beyond the practice of physical…

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The Eight Limbs of Yoga: A Path to a Balanced Life

When we think of yoga, we often picture people doing challenging poses or practicing deep breathing. But yoga is so…

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Yamas and Niyamas: Ethical Foundations for Yoga Teachers

Yoga is so much more than just a series of poses on a mat. At its heart, it is a…

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Understanding Energy Systems and Chakras in Relation to Anatomy for Yoga Teachers

In yoga, the concept of energy systems plays an essential role in understanding how the body, mind, and spirit connect….

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Understanding the Human Body in Yoga Practice

Understanding the human body is crucial for anyone practicing or teaching yoga. Knowledge of anatomy helps make yoga safer and…

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Providing clear verbal and visual instructions in yoga classes

Effective communication is the key to creating a safe and supportive environment in yoga classes. Clear verbal and visual cues…

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diaz's demonstration of utkatasana cues at the creative vinyasa workshop during a YTT

Building Trust and Connection with Yoga Students

In yoga, trust is the foundation of a positive teacher-student relationship. When students trust their instructor, they feel safe to…

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Yoga teacher training students perform the ashta chandrasana posture

Developing a Personal Teaching Style in Yoga

Every yoga teacher is unique, and that individuality is what makes yoga classes so enriching. Developing a personal teaching style…

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yogi group sharing and laughing

Effective Communication with Students: A Guide for Yoga Teachers

Effective communication is key to creating a positive and fulfilling yoga class experience. It’s more than just giving instructions—it’s about…

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Creating a Safe and Inclusive Yoga Class Environment

A welcoming and safe environment is the foundation of any successful yoga class. When students feel secure, both physically and…

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Prasarita pada uttanasana pose during a 200 hour Yoga teacher training class

A Complete Guide to Yoga Class Planning and Structure

Creating a well-structured yoga class is crucial for the teacher and the students. A thoughtfully planned class helps keep students…

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Julie teaching a group yoga class

Continuing Education for Yoga Teachers: A Path to Lifelong Growth

Yoga teaching is not just a job; it’s a lifelong journey of growth and learning. As yoga teachers, we need…

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A stepping stone path surrounded by flowing water, symbolizing the importance of structure in yoga sequencing

A Beginner-Friendly Guide to Sequencing in Yoga Classes

Sequencing in yoga classes creates a natural, safe, and effective flow. Imagine it as building blocks, where each pose prepares…

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Julie guiding a student in the correct alignment of Trikonasana pose

Yoga Teaching Methodology: Essential Techniques for Teacher Training

Yoga teaching methodology plays a crucial role in the effective training of yoga instructors and the overall experience of students…

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Twisted High Lunge Pose

The Births of 4 Major Yoga Types, Roots and Connections

Take a Closer look at the roots of the main Yoga types, their origins, connections, variations, and the thought process…

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Rishikesh Sadhu

Brief History of Yoga

Here you will find a brief summary of the unique history of Yoga, from its traditional form to its modern…

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full moon surrounded by clouds

Full Moon Meditation, a Wonderful Window to The Mind

The Power of The Full Moon on Human Beings Throughout the world, the full moon is known to have influence…

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Melasti Ceremony in Bali

Nyepi, The Balinese Silence Day

Tomorrow is one of my most cherished day here in Bali. Nyiepi, the Saka new year, is a day focused…

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